
Top 6 AI Detector Tools for 2024

by Bill Yeager July 15, 2024
AI Detector Tools

Artificial intelligence is progressing at an incredible rate, and there are various AI use cases in multiple sectors. Nonetheless, there are reasonable concerns about the negative uses of AI, such as developing synthetic media or using AI to establish cyberattacks. This makes it necessary to have tools that will aid in the identification of the usage of AI. Of the many AI detector tools, in this article, we focus on six of the most popular ones that might trend in 2024.

Anthropic Classifier

Anthropic has worked on an advanced AI classifier that can identify all kinds of synthetic media and content created by AI, deepfakes, and neural voice cloning.

Anthropic Classifier

Key features:

– Applies self-supervised learning to discover artifacts that other detectors miss in synthetic media

– Higher classification of text, image, and audio data as either Real or AI-generated

– A browser extension and API for using the original application in other applications

– Primarily concerned with the patterns of AI that are ethical and safe and identifying those that are malicious

HUMAN Security

HUMAN is a 2019 startup in Israel that is developing AI to detect fake news and fake profiles online. It employs multiple facets that focus on the language used in communication, the signals given, or any other characteristics.

HUMAN Security

Key features:  

– Identifies scam accounts in social networks and threads of discussion boards

– To understand the inauthentic coordinated process, it analyzes the text, images, and metadata of the accounts

– Specific categories of models for various applications such as cyberbullying, financial fraud, etc.

– Uses a combination of algorithms and clients’ training data to provide models to clients


FactMata centers its AI solutions on content identification and fact-checking, offering tools to tag and label content.

Key features:

– Using my bot to identify false statements and fake news

– Conceptual meaning analysis on framing and reference point prejudice

– A helpful browser extension for analyzing webpages and social media streams

– API access provided to extend as per the user’s need

– From 2024, will provide synthetic media detection



Arachnys is equipped with an AI engine for fraud, money laundering, and financial crime, which makes it efficient for use. It can examine network structures and analyze related data patterns that appear to be highly risky.

Key features:

– Algorithms applied for graph analysis detect hitherto unknown links, which may signal fraud

-Compliance solutions involve the integration of artificial intelligence with investigative processes

– Specific models created for the banking, insurance, and accounts departments

– There are several proposals to include synthetic identity detection with the help of artificial intelligence

– Access to API is given to clients



Essentially, Sentinel is a startup that deals with the application of Artificial Intelligence in detecting synthetic voice and video. Through the processing of audio and visual inputs, their kit identifies the existence of phony or synthesized media.

Key features:

– Deep fake detection in real-time for streaming video

– Capable of detecting spoofing attacks against voice biometrics

– Assorted browser plug-ins and mobile SDKs for including detection

– Cloud API provided to detect in scale for multiple applications

As for the scope of AI, it is dedicated to the practical usage of responsible AI and its ethical considerations.



Resemble.AI is developing AI applications for business use: tools to identify fake media and fake accounts.

Key features:

– Specialized NNs for data anomaly detection

– Recognizes and eliminates synthetic media, including images, videos, and other types of audio content

– Flags bots and fake accounts and any other coordinated account patterns

To this end, the following analyses should be conducted on the communications of the employees:

– Proprietary algorithms and Ethics Advisory

The availability of these AI detector tools in the market demonstrates how the industry is coming up with ways to address the risks of abuse and promote trust. Thus, along with the growth of synthetic media, the need for reliable detection methods will remain a core issue for security, trust, and transparency in the online environment. On the same note, AI can be employed in very wrong ways, but what is more interesting is that AI could be used to combat AI.


Bill SEO in CT Bill Yeager, Co-Owner of High Point SEO & Marketing in CT, is a leading SEO specialist, Amazon international best-selling author of the book Unleash Your Internal Drive, Facebook public figure, a marketing genius, and an authority in the digital space. He has been personally coached by Tony Robbins, a fire walker and a student of Dan Kennedy, Founder of Magnetic Marketing. Bill has been on several popular podcasts and the news including Sharkpreneur with Kevin Harrington, FOX, NBC, and ABC by way of his Secret Sauce marketing strategies. Bill enjoys fitness, cars, and spending time with his family when not at work.